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Thursday, October 06, 2011

How Social Media Reshaped Communications

I watched this web cast live on Wednesday October 6, 2011 and think it is worth the 50 or so minutes for you to watch the replay.  The presenter is Chris Bogan, President of Human Business Works.  Here is the teaser for the web cast:

One in eleven humans on the planet have a Facebook account. Social networks are now the #1 most visited site category on the Internet. Not since television in the 1950s has any one shift in the technology landscape driven such a large raft of behavior changes. Businesses are grappling with social media on several fronts: how do companies manage the use of social media internally and externally by employees? How do marketers and sales teams and customer service teams use social media to build relationships of value? Which policies and practices keep everyone operating in a safe-but-smooth zone? And how do we make value for everyone from these tools? Join Chris Brogan for a discussion of how to build a new dialtone in this environment.

View the web cast on the BrightTalk web site: How Social Media Reshaped Communications