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Friday, August 15, 2008

How to Do A Web Meeting or Comference Call for Free... Well Virtually Free Anyway

I have been using Free Conference (www.freeconference.com) for over 5 years. It is an easy way to schedule and setup conference calls with up to 99 people. The base service, which requires each person to dial in on a long distance number is free. So, with the proliferation of VoIP and unlimited long distance land lines, this service is virtually free. Also, setting up a conference call is an easy 6 step process that allows you to send email notifications to all participants. Some of the other features available for a fee, including recording, transcribing, and 800#, are also handy depending on what types of calls you host.

While Free Conference is great, I always wanted more. I have tried other services that include web meeting functionality, but there was always a catch - I had to pay! A couple weeks ago I ran across a paragraph in PC World Magazine's Beta Watch section that mentioned DimDim (www.DimDim.com). It gives you all the web meeting functionality that you need and only requires the installation of a web browser plug in. Now for those conference calls where I need a little more interaction, I use Free Conference with DimDim. I just paste the DimDim info in the email sent out by Free Conference when I schedule a call.


Anonymous said...

www.bizplanhelp.com; You saved my day again.

Unknown said...

Both webinars and teleseminars can be effective tools... but its important to take the opportunity to add branding to the experience for participants. For example, customize your greeting, play some nice nostalgic hold music, and at least make the "wait" more enjoyable. http://brandedbridgeline.com does this-- others that you might consider are uberconference and speek.