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Monday, September 19, 2005

Network by eBay; The Inexpensive IT Solution

Manhattan, NY, September 19, 2005 – Eagle Strategy Group continues to add to the Biz Plan Help alpha website (www.bizplanhelp.com). Even though the site is under development, it is open to the public and the latest content is a new articles Network by eBay; The Inexpensive IT Solution. The article endorses the use of eBay and other auction sites as well as sites that specialize in refurbished equipment as an inexpensive source for Information Technology (IT) gear. Here is an excerpt:

I have told the story of building a company around information technology (IT) systems purchased at eBay to many startup and small business clients and always get a disbelieving response. But, the fact is I worked on a team that started a company in 2003 and all the information technology was purchased on eBay or similar auction sites as well as sites that handle refurbished equipment with the exception being a few desktop PC’s and software. I purchased the desktop PC’s new because it is so inexpensive to get new desktops with on site service and more horsepower than is needed in a business PC.

The company was a Consumer Electronics Startup that was selling products to national music store chains as well as big box electronics stores and mass merchants. So, in addition to having PC’s on a network with Internet access, the information technology systems needed to support accounting, inventory control, manufacturing, and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transactions. I did have an advantage that made this approach possible in that I could build the system over a 4 week period, which gave me the time I needed for the auction sites. Read More.

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